roger water - chom contest - post-card
Graphic Design Bell Media
Graphic Design & post-card for the Roger Water Contest the Chom radio station - Bell Media
euler hermes flyer
Graphic Design Euler Hermes
Euler Hermes Flyer.
vive mexico - mexico tourism board
Graphic Design & visual campaign cptm
Dynamism and flexibility offers this e-commerce travel agency to connect industry players that offer better travel products a and content in the e-travel solution platform.
expedia - bestday local expert flyer & brosure
Graphic Design BestDay Travel
Flyer and brosure for BestDay & Expedia shuttles and atractions campaign
bestday & e-travel solution bussisness campaign
graphic design, pop material and stand imageBest Day Travel
Graphic design, pop material and stand image for the expo tours for BestDay travel, e-travel solutions and associates.
internext, hospedate and restaurants of mexico
Graphic Design, pre-press supervision Internext
Graphic design and pre-press supervision for the Internex, Hospedate and Restaurant of Mexico flyers
fkyers, posters, brosures and poster for CCPM events and courses
Graphic Design, pre-press supervision CCPM
Graphic design and pre-press preparation and supervition for brosures, flyers, folders and pop material for diveses forums, courses and events of the CCPM.